Computer Analyses of a Terrorist


Cumputer analyses of terrorist

An article in the Economist, April 21st- 27th 2012 page 93 is a most intriguing read, titled “What makes heroic strife”. I find this article to be captivating because it is government entities and money with some private companies developing computer models to try and find out where terrorist groups will strike next.

On the surface it sounds like a big “yes go get’em”. In the article it plainly states that they are not keeping records on Americans, but I can see a time when some nefarious minded individual will say this information was gleaned by a private organization so the government can subpoena the info and use it against their own citizens even though it was sometime government money that was used to do the research!

If the people involved, rather government, academia or institutions keeps a mind towards the bad guy, it would make their efforts approvable. In today’s world that is what it looks like they want to achieve, but I’m concerned about tomorrow! I do like the idea of taking out the “bad guy”, because that makes the world a safer place to live for our families, but what about tomorrow?

The article says they are using “Tweets”, “Facebook” and phone records with other electronics to develop this software. They are doing this in war zones and Africa at the present time. But one day I can see them turning their attention on their own law abiding citizens’ just because they are not toeing the line of the “thinking” of the country in which they live. Whether it’s the law of the land or not will not matter, they must silence all voices they perceive as dissent!

I can see this new intelligence gathering as a big boost to the “One” the Bible calls the “Antichrist”. We see so many things going on in the world that shows we are fast approaching the last days described in the Bible, that little things like this stir in us the urgency to tell everyone the time for the return of Jesus is closer then we can imagine.

Do you know Jesus as savior, you have little time left to meet God so please don’t hesitate, ask Him now to be your savior, you won’t regret it in the days to come! 
