
www.todayinprophecy.com is mainly a vehicle for exploring Bible prophecy, Past, Present, and Future.

Showing relevance for today, to teach the church and contend for the faith.
Because God has a claim on everyone, we therefor preach to all who will hear in the nations. God has placed eternity into everyone’s heart, therefor we evangelize men.

We strive to keep our teachings in the proper context to which God gave it to man. Since it was given to the Jewish people, we believe that we should have a good understanding of Jewish culture. God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to show the world His love for Mankind. And through their linage God brought to all man His Messiah.

We believe Jesus the Christ, to be the one and only way to God, and He, through the Holy Scripture, which He has preserved to all generation’s, teaches us the proper way that everyone ever born on this earth MUST come to Him.

Mankind cannot presume to approach God anyway he pleases, but must search the Holy Scriptures to find the only way we become acceptable to Him. Jesus ‘ death at the cross is the only way that we as sinful man can ever approach God, for He is HOLY and we are sinners in need of His grace.

Salvation is what God calls us to, and if we are to experience it we must accept Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for our sins. It says in the Bible that “however calls on the name of Jesus, will be saved”. We ask you now, not to wait any longer ask Him.

The Bible also says “today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart”. Would you ask Him right now to be your savior, if you will He will not refuse you, no matter what you have done. He loves you that much that He did everything for you to be saved, please ask Him now.
Pray this prayer and God promises you will be saved.

“Heavenly Father, I am a sinner, forever lost, but You made the way that I might be saved. I accept what You did by allowing my sin to be atoned for through Your Son Jesus. I ask You to come and live in my heart for the rest of my life. Teach me Your ways that I can be with You forever. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen”

If you prayed this prayer and you mean it, you are now born again. God will work in your life as you get closer to Him, read the Bible and find other believers to be around you. God bless you!